Racism as a Root Cause of Birth Disparities
Dr. Zea Malawa traces the history of anti-Black oppression in the United States and its impact on maternal and infant health. This is followed by a discussion of the Racism as a Root Cause approach, an essential framework to advance anti-racist policies and interventions.Dr. Zea Malawa traces the history of anti-Black oppression in the United States and its impact on maternal and infant health. This is followed by a discussion of the Racism as a Root Cause approach, an essential framework to advance anti-racist policies and interventions.
Toxic: A Black Woman's Story
This short video describes the experience of a Black professional pregnant woman with the perinatal care system in an urban setting. It highlights environmental micro-aggression, systemic racism and family strength. It includes a discussion guide.
National CLAS Standards, Health Literacy and Communication
This YouTube presentation explores why culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) are important. The webinar highlights the role of CLAS In accreditation, disparities reduction, responding to changing demographics and improving quality of services.
What is Systemic Racism?
This is an 8-part video series that shows how racism shows up in our lives across institutions and society. It features Jay Smooth, and is produced by Kat Lazo. Rinku Sen, President of Race Forward and publisher of Colorlines introduces the series. It is on the Race Forward site.